Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades
Membresía de la AEGS (previamente AILCFH)

September 2014 Newsletter
 1 de setiembre, 2014

Estimad@s Colegas:

Adjunto encontrarán noticias de interés.


Maria DiFrancesco, Secretaria, AILCFH
Associate Professor, Spanish
Ithaca College
Modern Languages and Literatures
953 Danby Road
Ithaca, NY 14850

1) Mensaje importante enviado por Lidia Santana acerca del congreso que celebraremos en La Havana en noviembre, 2014:

Estimados colegas,

Le rogamos a los residentes en Estados Unidos que todavía no han enviado los datos para la solicitud del visado, lo hagan lo antes posible. Deben mandar nombre completo como aparece en el pasaporte, fecha y lugar de nacimiento, ciudadanía, número de pasaporte, profesión, hotel donde se hospedarán y fecha estimada de llegada.

A las personas que no han hecho la reserva del hotel con Havanatur, le recomendamos hacerla ya porque hay hoteles del paquete que ya tiene completa sus capacidades.


Lic. Lidia Santana González
Esp. Relaciones Internacionales
Instituto de Literatura y Lingüística
Teléfono: 878 2992
Fax: 873 5718

**¡Atención! Para recibir una copia de la nueva versión del programa del congreso Avellaneda, o para información acerca de Havanatur, favor de ponerse en contacto directamente con Lidia Santana (**


The editors of Ámbitos Feministas, a multidisciplinary journal of criticism pertinent to current feminist issues in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, Caribbean, U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies, invite proposals for its Fall 2015 Monographic volume on topic relating to contemporary Hispanic/Luso/Latina women writers and artists (literature, film, art, plastic arts, music, gender studies, History, etc.,). Proposals should be sent by e-mail to Inma Pertusa ( They should contain the following information:

•Draft outlining the topic and content of the proposed special issue (up to 200 words);
•Editorial Committee for the monographic volume. Proposed members of the editorial committee must have agreed to serve before the proposal is submitted and must be good standing Feministas Unidas Inc. members. There should be enough reviewers to allow at least two reviews of each paper;
•Name, telephone, and e-mail of the contact person;
•Language: Spanish and/or English
•Due date to receive proposals: September 30, 2014

The proposals for the Fall 2015 Monographic volume will be evaluated by the Ámbitos Feministas Editorial Board. A decision will be made by October 15th, 2014. The Fall 2015 Monographic volume final edited materials must be submitted to Ámbitos Feministas by July 1st, 2015. Technical details will be shared with the special editor upon approval of the proposal.

Contributors to the Fall 2015 Monographic volume must be members of Feministas Unidas Inc. The editors of Ámbitos Feministas reserve the right to reject Monographic volume essays, should they be considered inappropriate for publication in the journal.

Editorial Guidelines for Submissions:

•A current membership to the coalition Feministas Unidas Inc. ( is required of all authors at the time of submission and must be kept until the end of the process. Membership information
•Manuscripts should be double-spaced and between 17-25 double-spaced pages in length, including all notes, as well as the Works Cited. They should be formatted using Times New Roman Size 12 and 1” margins.
•For review purposes, originals should contain no reference to the author. Include a one page cover letter with author’s information: name, rank, academic affiliation, email, postal address, essay’s little, and a brief bio (8-10 lines) with latest publications.
•Essays in Spanish, Portuguese or English, need to conform to the most recent versions of the MLA Style Manual and the MLA Handbook for Writers of Research Papers.
•The end notes will be at the end of the essay, and they should not be inserted automatically. Please manually use numbers in superscript in the text and then refer to them in the end notes section.
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