Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades
Membresía de la AEGS (previamente AILCFH)

November 2008 Newsletter
 Circular 11.2 Noviembre 2008


Mi único mensaje es recordarles a quienes pueden votar por la ratificación de las mociones aprobadas en la Asamblea General durante el último congreso, que voten sin más demora. El plazo para votar se vence el 30 de noviembre. El 1 de diciembre aparecerán automáticamente los resultados de las votaciones (sea cual sea el número de votantes) en la sección de VOTACIONES de

Inma Pertusa
Secretaria AILCFH


1) Diálogo Bajo la Ocupación. La Facultad de Comunicación y Lenguaje de la Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (Bogotá, Colombia), en conjunto con la Universidad de Northeastern Illinois- Chicago está organizando el evento Diálogo Bajo la Ocupación (Dialogue under Occupation) que se llevará a cabo entre el 18 y el 20 de marzo de 2009. Este es un espacio de discusión académica que convoca a la reflexión sobre el discurso y sus relaciones con los problemas de orden social que subyacen a cualquier forma de "ocupación". Estaremos recibiendo resúmenes de ponencias hasta el 30 de noviembre de 2008. Para mayor información visitar la página o escribir a la dirección

Equipo Organizador DUO III
Carolina Jaramilla Correa
Carmen M. Rivera Villegas

2) Microcosms and Macrocosms: Inner and Outer Spaces in Texts.
A conference organized by the Graduate Students in the Department of Modern Languages and Literatures, University of Miami

University of Miami, Coral Gables
Department of Modern Languages and Literatures
March 27th-28th, 2009

The Department of Modern Languages and Literatures at the University of Miami and the Program of Latin American and Caribbean Studies are pleased to announce its Spring Graduate Conference (March 27th -28th, 2009) to engage in a dialogue on the significance, meaning, and consequences of spatial tropes in "texts". We will accept proposals on any world texts. Papers must be written in French, Spanish, or English.

Among the themes of interest are the following:
-Trans-national boundaries
-Cosmopolitan/urban vs. rural spaces
-Memory as a historiographical space
-Use of space in comics, films, television, and theater
-Digital and virtual spaces (Internet, video games, and archives)
-Literary spaces: Avant-garde vs. Traditional literature
-Migration/crossing borders
-Spaces of exile/ Asylum (home away from home)
-Psychological spaces (dreams and the unconscious)
-Spaces of belonging
-Real/Fantastic spaces
-Identity and the creation of intimate/personal space
-Space within nationalist discourse
-Queer space(s)
-Gendered space(s)
-Space within postcolonial discourse
-Mapping or charting spaces
-Artistic spaces (visual and plastic arts)

Proposals should include a 250-word abstract and title, as well as the author’s name, address, and institutional affiliation. Please submit abstracts via email to: by January 26th, 2009. Acceptance of proposals will be notified via e-mail by February 10th, 2009. Each conference attendee is required to pay a registration fee of $40.00.

About the keynotes speakers:
Dr. Jean Michael Dash:
Professor of French, Social and Cultural Analysis. Research Interests: Francophone/Caribbean Literature; literary theory; translation French to English. Selected Works: Culture and Customs of Haiti (Greenwood Press, 2001), Libete: A Haiti Anthology, Ed. with Charles Arthur (Latin American Bureau, 1999), The Other America: Caribbean Literature in a New World Context (University Press of Virginia, 1998), Haiti and the United States (MacMillan, 1997), Edouard Glissant (Cambridge University Press, 1995), Literature and Ideology in Haiti: 1915-1961 (MacMillan, 1981), Jacques Stephen Alexis (Black Images, 1975).

Dr. Marc Brudzinski:
Assistant Professor Francophone and Hispanic Caribbean Literature. Research Interests: Current research interests concern theories of the Caribbean culture and literary imaginations of networks of communication within and beyond the nation. Interests also include postcolonial theories of space and the relationship between lived space and literary sensibility in the Caribbean. He is currently finishing a manuscript on the literary and cultural dimensions of secrecy in the French and Spanish Caribbean from the 19th to through the 20th centuries. Publications: Sargasso, Small Axe, and Nepantla. He has also contributed to the edited volume Post Colonial Politics of Identity (Rodopi 2009). His book, Island Secrets, is forthcoming from Lexington Books.

3) Coloquio Internacional «Ciudad y mujeres en la cultura y la historia latinoamericanas y caribeñas» Del 23 al 27 de febrero de 2009. Casa de las Américas. La Habana - Cuba
Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas: 20 de diciembre, 2008.
Más información:

4) IV Coloquio Interdisciplinario sobre Literatura, Lingüística y Cultura Hispánica
'Lenguaje y Espacio'. Del 19 al 21 de febrero de 2009. Universidad de Florida. Gainesville. Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas: 12 de diciembre, 2008
Más información:

5) Primer Congreso Internacional de Investigaciones Literarias
Universidad Veracruzana. Del 20 al 22 de mayo de 2009.
Xalapa, Veracruz – México Fecha límite para el envío de propuestas: 12 de diciembre, 2008 Más información:


1) Michigan Feminist Studies invites submissions for its 2009 issue on the theme of Politics and Performativity. In this issue we are interested in considering questions such as: How have women in the public sphere/politics been represented in the media? How are women and/feminism implicated in conservative versus liberal politics? How are feminist issues given attention in policy decisions? What is the role of women in grassroots political organizations? How is gender constructed through political discourse? How are femininity and sexuality of female politicians portrayed by the media and handled by the public? How do gendered discourses frame political campaigns? How has the feminist movement been shaped by its political goals? How do drag and other forms of subversive gendered dress make a political statement? Michigan Feminist Studies is an annual publication edited by UM grad students. Manuscripts should be roughly 4000-6000 words and double-spaced. Please submit three single-sided copies, and include a 150-200 word abstract, brief biographical note, institutional and departmental affiliation (if applicable), mailing address, telephone number, and e-mail address. Papers may be submitted in the accepted format of your own academic discipline (e.g., MLA, APA). If your paper is selected, you will then be asked to submit an electronic file. Mail submissions to: Michigan Feminist Studies, 1122 Lane Hall, 204 South State Street, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI 48109-1290. Deadline: January 16, 2009. Inquiries to <>

2) Estudios Trasantlánticos Postcoloniales. Por este medio les estamos invitando a colaborar en nuestro proyecto de Estudios Trasantlánticos Postcoloniales. Son cuatro volúmenes que publicará la editorial Anthropos de Barcelona. De aceptar nuestra invitación, les pedimos nos envíen un resumen de su trabajo indicando su aproximación transatlántica y una breve bio suya. El trabajo que estamos pidiendo ha de tener entre 20-25 páginas, a doble espacio, MLA style. La fecha de cumplimiento es Marzo 15, 2009. Por favor indíquenos en que volumen de los cuatro que proponemos quieren participar.

 Esperamos que el proyecto les resulte atractivo. Es una oportunidad empezar un fructífero dialogo académico transatlántico.

Les saludamos atentamente 
Ileana Rodríguez, Ohio State University
Josebe Martínez, Universidad del País Vasco, and University of Nevada.

3) Call for Articles/Interviews/Essays: Istmo, Online Journal on Literary and Cultural Studies on Central America, no. 19, ISSN: 1535-2315;
Topic: “Sexualities in Central America”
[To be Published on the Fall of 2009]
Editors: Author Uriel Quesada, Ph.D. (McDaniel College, Baltimore, MD) and Hilda Chacón, Ph.D. (Nazareth College, Rochester, NY)
Abstract Submissions Deadline: March 15, 2009
Accepted Articles/Interviews/Essays Deadline: June 15, 2009
Complete information in

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