Asociación de Estudios de Género y Sexualidades
Membresía de la AEGS (previamente AILCFH)

August 2010 Newsletter
 AILCFH circular 8.1, agosto 2010

Estimada membresía,

Ante todo espero que hayais disfrutado de las vacaciones y que esteis preparadas/os para el nuevo año académico.

Antes de pasar a los anuncios quiero recordaros que el congreso de Austin se acerca y que la fecha de inscripción para el mismo se cierra el próximo 1 de septiembre. Os recuerdo que el pago debe realizarse via internet. Se puede hacer accediendo directamente a esta dirección.

o bien entrando en la página de la asociación y de ahi accediendo a la página del congreso.

Si alguien tiene algún problema con el proceso de pago, favor de contactar directamente a la persona en UT encargada de este tema, Niki Holmes (512) 471-9298, para poder hacer el pago por teléfono o bien podeis enviarle un mensaje a Recordar también que para participar en el congreso es necesario ser miembra/o de la asociación para lo cual debeis pagar la cuota correspondiente accediendo a la sección de membresía en nuestra pagina web. Por último, recomendamos a todas/os las/os participantes que revisen el programa del congreso ya que, como es habitual en estos casos, se han efectuado algunos cambios de última hora.

En otro orden de cosas, quisiera recordar a todo el mundo la importancia de revisar vuestra información en el directorio de la asociación y aseguraros de que la dirección y demas datos personales están actualizados. La editora de Letras Femeninas, Carmen de Urioste, nos ha informado de los cambios en el servicio postal y como estos afectan,
económicamente, a la asociación. Entre otras cosas nos veremos obliagadas a pagar una cantidad por cada dirección mal escrita. De ahí la importancia de que os asegureis de que toda vuestra información es correcta ya que de lo contrario no podremos enviaros los ejemplares de la revista y recibiremos además una penalización. Para acceder al directorio y a vuestra información os recuerdo que teneis que entrar en echapter con vuestro Logonid y Passwrod particular y luego, para efectuar cualquier cambio, elegir en vuestros datos la opción de “editar.” Os agradecemos de antemano vuestra colaboración en este asunto.

¡Nos vemos ya muy pronto!

Un cordial saludo y buen inicio de semester

Elena Castro
Secretaria AILCFH


1) Call for submission for a panel at the NeMLA 2011 Convention

PANEL TITLE: Cyberspace and Literature in Latin America: What Does The
Future Entail?
 What is the future of literature in Latin America vis-à-vis the
imminent advancement of cyberspace options as the main media for
contemporary readers/viewers? Published writers increasingly have created
blogs and other forms of presence on the Internet –what does the future may
entail for literature? Will cyberspace become a new art form per se? Will
literature, as we know it, disappear? Send 250 words abstract to Hilda
Chacón ( Deadline: September 30, 2010.

The conference link is:

2) Call for submission for a panel at the Northeast MLA 2011 Convention
Please note that I am chairing a panel at the 2011 Northeast Modern
Languages Association conference to be held at Rutgers (April 6-10; New
Brunswick, NJ). I am eagerly looking for panelists to submit abstracts on
the topic (see below). In order to present, you MUST be a member of
Feministas Unidas AND NeMLA. I look forward to receiving your abstracts by
September 20, 2010. For more information about NeMLA, see:

Crossing Borders and Performing Gender on the Spanish-Speaking Stage
 Sponsored by Feministas Unidas. The 21st Century has seen increased
globalization and marketplace demands cause human migration to skyrocket,
increasingly fueling shifts in the identities of Spanish-speaking women.
This panel seeks to question how the staging of female migration in
Spanish-language theatre acts to inform the evolution of feminine/
feminist/ lesbian/ femme/ and butch identities. Please send 250-300 word
abstracts in the form of an attachment to: Maria DiFrancesco,

3) Call for papers. Ambitos Feministas
The editors of Ambitos Feministas*, the multidisciplinary journal of Feministas Unidas ( invite unpublished critical essays that explore Feminist issues in Spanish, Spanish-American, Luso-Brazilian, Afro-Latin American, and U.S. Hispanic and Latino Studies (literatures, cinema, art, gender, and cultural studies).

Essays in Spanish, Portuguese or English, need to conform to the most recent versions of the MLA Style Manual and the MLA Handbook for Writers of
Research Papers, between 17-25 double-spaced pages in length, including all notes, as well as the Works Cited Submissions will be subject to peer review.

A current membership to the coalition Feministas Unidas is required of all authors at the time of submission and must be kept until the end of the process. Visit <> for details on membership.

The deadline for articles for the first issue is 31 October 2010. For more information, see submission guidelines at

4) 1st International Hispanic Conference of the Day of the Dead: “Monsters, Ghosts & Devils in Latin American & Peninsular Literature, Film, and Music”
Date(s): Oct 31st Nov 1st, 2011
Location: Miami, Florida
Conference Theme: Magical Realism and the Fantastic have been associated with Latin American texts because of the recurrent presence of ghosts, monsters, orishas and spirits originating from pre-colonial civilizations. However, Peninsular culture has also produced esperpentos that signaled the presence of evil both within our own humanity and the Christian and Romantic western ideologies to which we bore allegiance. This conference aims to create a semiotic study of these representations in the Hispanic culture. Could these symbolic narratives form part of an underside to our history?
Proposal deadline: 
May 1st 2011 by email
Contact information: 
Zoila Clark
Assistant Professor of Spanish
Dept. of Humanities 
Florida Memorial University 
15800 N.W. 42nd Ave, Miami Gardens, Florida 33054 – USA

Additional information: 
Send a one-page abstract (Spanish or English) to zclark@FMUNIV.EDU

Deadline for publication of select papers in Hispanet Journal: June 1st 2011 
Visit: for guidelines

Keynote Speakers: “The Ghostly Exiled and the Exiled Ghost” 
Daína Chaviano, Cuban writer in Florida 
Tomás Piard, filmmaker in Cuba

Co-sponsored by: 
Foreign Language Program of Florida Memorial University 
Modern Language Organization of Graduate Students of FIU

5) Mensaje de Esther Quintana
Convocatoria para un congreso organizado por los estudiantes graduados del departamento de Hispanic Studies de Texas A&M

First Annual Texas A&M Department of Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Symposium:
In homage of centenaries of Julio Herrera y Reissig (1875 – 1910), Miguel Hernández (1910 – 1942) and José Lezama Lima (1910 -1976)
November 12-13, 2010
Sponsored by:
Department of Hispanic Studies
Cervantes Project
Melbern G. Glasscock Center for Humanities Research

The graduate students of the Department of Hispanic Studies at Texas A&M University, College Station, Texas, invite you to submit abstracts for the First Annual Texas A&M Department of Hispanic Studies Graduate Student Symposium to be held on November 12th and 13th, 2010. This symposium has as its purpose to commemorate the centennial of the death of Julio Herrera y Reissig, and the centennial of the births of Miguel Hernández and José Lezama Lima. These three distinguished writers are honored collectively not only for their contributions to the genre of poetry, but also for their contributions to the essay, short story and novel. Julio Herrera y Reissig was a marginalized poet in the Uruguayan society of his time; Miguel Hernández died in a prison cell under Franco’s regime; José Lezama Lima was not allowed to leave Cuba during Castro’s revolutionary period. For each, writing was an act of resistance, a source of sustenance from which these writers drew strength to endure the circumstances that surrounded them. This symposium invites papers on the theme of resistance and its relationship with artistic-cultural production in literature, cinema, poetry, linguistics, and other relevant fields.
Topics may include, but are not limited to:
• Centennial celebrations
• Literature & Art Studies
• Philosophy
• Translation
• Journalism
• Film
• Race, Class and Ethnicity
• Sustenance
• Revolutions and revolutionaries
• Patriotism and the politics of culture
• Queer sexualities
• Representations of Violence/Trauma

Invited scholars and guests include: Gwen Kirkpatrick (Georgetown University,) Randolph Pope (University of Virginia), Dr. Susana Cella (University of Argentina), José Kozer, (Cuban Poet and Scholar) Lorenzo García Vega (Grupo Orígenes), Enrique Fierro (University of Texas-Austin), and Ida Vitale, winner of the Octavio Paz Prize in poetry, 2009.

Proposals of no more than 200 words may be written in Spanish or English and should be sent in PDF form, with participant name and university affiliation in the left top corner to by September 15, 2010. Potential conference participants will be notified by September 30th, 2010. Please indicate whether you will need a projector and screen for your laptop. For more details about the conference, please visit the conference website at:

An invited scholar to address the issues at hand will moderate each panel. In addition, interactive discussion groups will be formed to converse on issues relevant to the symposium topic.

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